themadfangirl: flowerbedgrl: fuckyeah-nerdery: sigfodr: A...

A version for tumblr that can be read without opening a new tab, since plenty of people would scroll past this story otherwise.
The bravest woman on Earth.
does anyone know who illustrated this?
darkrodrises: what did the fish say to the face? SLAP

what did the fish say to the face? SLAP
conchesumadres: su cara de terror… genius

su cara de terror… genius
cocopow412: Lmao

all-because-of-u: batmans-suitcase: That'll do it. Lmfao

That'll do it.

gossipinq: We enter a little coffeehouse with a friend of mine...

We enter a little coffeehouse with a friend of mine and give our order. While we're aproaching our table two people come in and they go to the counter:'Five coffees, please. Two of them for us and three suspended' They pay for their order, take the two and leave.
I ask my friend: "What are those 'suspended' coffees?"
My friend: "Wait for it and you will see."
Some more people enter. Two girls ask for one coffee each, pay and go. The next order was for seven coffees and it was made by three lawyers - three for them and four 'suspended'. While I still wonder what's the deal with those 'suspended' coffees I enjoy the sunny weather and the beautiful view towards the square infront of the café. Suddenly a man dressed in shabby clothes who looks like a beggar comes in throught the door and kindly asks
'Do you have a suspended coffee ?'
It's simple - people pay in advance for a coffee meant for someone who can not afford a warm bevarage. The tradition with the suspended coffees started in Naples, but it has spread all over the world and in some places you can order not only a suspended coffee, but also a sandwitch or a whole meal.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have such cafés or even grocery stores in every town where the less fortunate will find hope and support ? If you own a business why don't you offer it to your clients… I am sure many of them will like it. Source : [x]
melloushimawa: planetdreamcast: fnocreepypastafandom: angelacu...

A 14 years old boy got beaten half dead by his stepfather. His only fault was this that he tried to protect his little sister from being raped. Now he's struggling for his life, but doctors say he won't make it without a surgery. His mother doesn't have money to pay it.tumblr donates 45cents for every sharing or reposing.
Please Verify, Don't Ignore thinking It To be FAKE
(Mother's Number Not Disclosed For Security Reasons)
Doctor's Contact Number: +91 20 6721 3400
Hospital Name: Sahyadri Hospital
Please help.
Lke, share & spread the message..! Share if you care !this won't make your blog look ugly. have a heart now
this should have more notes
Please go save a life
I try so hard to have faith in the world but these people make me sick.
I don't even believe in this stuff but this is just
this is true shit
you guys
save this kid's life.
omg look i know i have a personal blog but this blog has WAY more followers than mine.
save this kids life by reblogging
~Mod Lonliness~
Please reblog this. It only takes a moment of your time and I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't lie about this actually helping.
I hope this kid can make it and show the world how real men are. He is truly a hero and I am sure his sister won't forget his gesture.
the-absolute-funniest-posts: My lovely followers, please follow...

My lovely followers, please follow this blog immediately!
the-absolute-funniest-posts: My lovely followers, please follow...

My lovely followers, please follow this blog immediately!
raaawrbin: allhipstersmustdie: allhipstersmustdie: Meet my...

Meet my friend Ron Beebe! It's that time of year that I ask everyone to send him a birthday card. He will be 75 on 2-22-13 and last year he received 85 card's from all around the world. He is special needs and this is what he looks forward to every year. It is such a simple thing. Please everyone share this story and get the cards mailed. Thank you everyone for doing this.
Mail to: Ron Beebe Po Box 8145 Coburg Or. 97408 THANK YOU & please share.
Gosh look at his sweet face
I'm going to make him a card :)
Reblog if you can say you have never sent hate or "go kill youself" messages to people . I want to see how many kind hearted people there are in tumblr .
Hey, people piss me off sometimes too, but I don't know how someone could actually follow through and do that!

fornevereverafter44: this would be my friends. bless...

this would be my friends. bless them.
THERE HASN'T BEEN A TIME when i see this picture in my dash and i don't reblog it.
The baby's face. oh my god I cant .
babysitting, you're doing it right.
im pretty sure this is like, the third time i've reblogged this. OH WELL
NOM NOM NOM bebehs
I laughed way too hard at this
i just died. oh my gosh. bahaha XD
5ociety: that shit swallowed her whole how deep wtf

that shit swallowed her whole how deep wtf
the-absolute-funniest-posts: Via/Follow The Absolute Greatest...

Via/Follow The Absolute Greatest Posts…ever.
livetodifferentiate: *that is so beautiful!! I'd be crazy if I...

*that is so beautiful!! I'd be crazy if I didn't reblog this for everyone else who hasn't seen it already.*
scinerds: limmynem: Gallium Gallium is a silvery metal with...

Gallium is a silvery metal with atomic number 31. It's used in semiconductors and LEDs, but the cool thing about it is its melting point, which is only about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If you hold a solid gallium crystal in your hand, your body heat will cause it to slowly melt into a silvery metallic puddle. Pour it into a dish, and it freezes back into a solid.
While you probably shouldn't lick your fingers after playing with it, gallium isn't toxic and won't make you crazy like mercury does. And if you get tired of it, you can melt it onto glass and make yourself a mirror.
Price: $80
Someone get me this for my non-birthday.
A science tag favorite
the-absolute-funniest-posts: Via/Follow The Absolute Greatest...

Via/Follow The Absolute Greatest Posts…ever.
damegreywulf: sublimefy: fromtheeyesofastargazer: unholy-majes...

FDA approves pill to prevent HIV infections
The drug, Truvada, is the first medication intended to prevent HIV infections in people having sex with infected individuals.
What good news for the world.
Remember when this made the news weeks ago and US news outlets didn't find it worth reporting?
This should have like, 1,000% more notes.
This is amazing.
Are you telling me that those Ryan Gosling cupcakes have 45,000 notes and this post hasn't even reached 5,000?
And it was on this day that this appeared on my dash, and I said "Damn, finally some good news!" and reblogged the hell out of it.
They approved it already?? Fantastic!
But HIV is still the go-to excuse for mass circumcisions.
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