markliddell: Paws for Effect by Thomas Lagrange THIS

thestuntkid: feels good to be drawing again! @thepaminator...

feels good to be drawing again! @thepaminator gots the death face.
My death face. Love me some stuntkid!
thefrogman: And original I made for...

And original I made for Slacktory.
physical or organic?
Mainly organic since I really enjoy aromatics. Though I have always wanted to pursue a career in HAZMAT, even if its just to lead me into a more lucrative lab position!
So do you actually do something with chemistry? Or do you just pretend?
I am still working on my degree. My mother passed away a few years ago and she was putting me through college. She always said as long as I was in school full time that was my job. And it paid off as an life long Honor Roll student. With an estranged father relationship, I had to withdrawal from classes after her death mid-semester. He retired soon after so there is no money coming in from him. I've been working full time since trying to start a savings to fund the rest of my college career. I have a little over a year left but am unwilling to get into debt to finish. I am determined and hard working. I will finish my degree and be the certified Chemist I have always dreamed of being!
kaajoo: World's Most Beautiful Abandoned Places Italian product...

World's Most Beautiful Abandoned Places
Italian product manager and web designer Francesco Mugnai recently added a collection of images to his blog touting some of the most beautiful images of abandoned spots and modern ruins that he'd ever seen. The images Mugnai has captured come from empty castles, shuttered power plants, and dilapidated churches around the world. From a sunken yacht in Antarctica to a forever-closed amusement park in Japan, these images all make up a sort of anti-phoenix; rather than rising as new from the ashes, these husks remain preserved in decomposition, forcing viewers to confront the strange beauty of ruination.
toutdroitaller: tanyasdaddy: I want to be harassed and...

I want to be harassed and badgered, fawned over, pawed at endlessly by you,
Promise me you will never stop, I want ass slaps as I walk by you, boob tweaks and ass grinds while I'm cooking, thigh caresses in the car, neck kisses while watching movies, hand bites almost everywhere, cheek strokes at table. Foot squeezes on the couch. and yes even crotch lifts as we climb up the stairs. I wanna be dipped and kissed in the grocery store, always close and kissing in elevators.
Never Stop, touching me.
Dear Tanya Dakin: Thank you for existing. You are incredible. That is all.
ohlookalesbian: sandwah: Porn stars with and without...

Porn stars with and without makeup..
pornstars? oh.. I thought this was a regular about what makeup does to regular people…
vicemag: Girl Eats Placenta When my very pregnant friend called...

Girl Eats Placenta
When my very pregnant friend called recently to tell me that she had arranged for her placenta to be encapsulated and invited me to come watch the whole process, it was a dream come true. I had been passively bringing it up in conversation for nine months.
"I heard some ladies like to eat their placentas because it gives them nutrients that they would otherwise lose after giving birth."
"Oh yeah, they're like, really nutritious and shit…"
But while I talked confidently about the process with my friend, I had heard stories from other women about bureaucratic nightmares that required paying a coroner to transport the placenta from the hospital to a funeral home, and then convincing the funeral home to "release" the placenta to you, so you can take it back to your house and eat it. The people I had spoken with weren't Canadian, though, and after doing a bit of research, I learned that our laws here are way more lax—taking your placenta home in Canada is as easy as putting it in a plastic bag and saying "bye". Also, it helps to tell the hospital that it's for religious purposes. Otherwise they're all like, "???"
Women choose to consume their placentas, technically known as placentophagy, because giving birth is a painful, kooky process that tends to suck the life out of everyone who experiences it, and the placenta has a buttload of nutrients in it that some say can help curb postpartum depression. Pretty much all other mammals (except for camelids, but I mean, come on, look at them) eat their placentas in a bloody, gore-filled wrath as soon as their babies pop out.
My friend's placenta, smiling for the camera.As you can see, placentas are pretty much just as disgusting as any other animal by-product that you would come across in a grocery store. The first steps in preparing it for consumption, I learned, are to remove the umbilical cord and the membrane-sac thingy that held the baby in place, and then drain the veins of excess blood.
Boop. It smelled like metal and pussy.Stacey, our chef and a former placenta curator from an Amazonian utopia, I'm pretty sure, said that even if the effect her capsules produced was only a placebo, the tedious process was still worth it because postpartum is such a debilitating experience to go through.
As a person who is no stranger to eating her own bodily fluids, it felt really nice to be able to speak with someone who didn't give a fuck about consuming placentas. She was very knowledgeable and relaxed, with a no-bullshit attitude that made me want to spread the word about weird shit going on in the postnatal health world, even if it is borne out of my own novelty seeking.
"Like baby bacon strips."
treadmill-to-oblivion: Real Men Love Cats: Edward St. John...

Real Men Love Cats: Edward St. John Gorey (February 22, 1925 – April 15, 2000)
holymoleculesbatman: Magnesium and copper burning under a pure...

Calvin: If people sat outside and looked at the stars each...

Calvin: If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I'll bet they'd live a lot differently.
Hobbes: How so?
Calvin: Well, when you look into infinity, you realize that there are more important things than what people do all day.
hardnipplesforever: bridgeofdetails: Pam by...

Pam by jonmmmayhem
hello, bridgeofdetails. i am flattered you like my picture of Pam. however, for future reference, i would very much prefer you link back to my original, rather than saving and reposting it. and even though you linked back to my tumblr (which is more than i can say for most people around here), i have to say DO. NOT. LIST. YOUR. BLOG. AS. THE. SOURCE. because that is a shitty thing to do. I have taken the liberty of correcting your oversight.
jon mmmayhem
He is an awesome photographer who is gets naked for a living so he can continue to take awesome photos.
All he asks for is recognition of his accomplishments. Take this away from him, and he may bogart all the boobies from you forever.
The only thing wrong with this picture is I'm not in it.

The only thing wrong with this picture is I'm not in it.
kittyofthecity: callingfreckles: Shitting...

Shitting Nora…ooh!
When I grow up, I want to be Maru.

When I grow up, I want to be Maru.

you might be the most amazing being on the earth. you're ridiculously sexy, you're into chemistry (me too, going to school for it as well) AND you live in Richmond too?! be still my heart. anyway I just wanted to tell you I think you're awesome.
Why thank you! Nice to hear brains are still sexy. Nerds for life.
are you single?
Yes, I am. But I'm married to the idea of not giving a fuck about it.
Dear Girl, My face is yours for fucking.
I don't think that's what faces are originally intended for, but it sure is fun to try, huh?
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